Life-Changing Films

Whether you’re looking for information or inspiration, here are some movies that have helped me along my journey.

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Must See Movies

Select a thumbnail to view the trailer.

Forks Over Knives

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

The Invisible Vegan


Soul Food Junkies


Fast Food Vegan


Diet Fiction

Code Blue

Eating You Alive



What the Health

The Game Changers


PlantPure Nation







They’re Trying to Kill Us

“Audiences journey with co-director John Lewis as he crosses the country seeking answers to why Americans of Color suffer from disproportionately higher rates of chronic disease than their European American counterparts, while examining the intersections of food, disease, race, poverty, institutional racism and government corruption.”

Websites of Interest

Top Docs

Not “documentaries” this time… ☺️ But websites full of resources including the most recent breakthroughs in health and medicine. 

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)

Visit Website

T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

Visit Website

The American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Visit Website

Nutrition Facts – Dr. Michael Greger

Visit Website

Dr. John McDougall

Visit Website

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